Manuel Mujica Millán
Bust of the architect Manuel Mujica Millán (1982) by Raúl Sanchez is located in the municipality of Libertador in Mérida, Venezuela. The bust suffers from generalized oxidation, dirt and exhibits signs of vandalism. The face is marked with black spots down…

La Conversación
Located at the Paseo de la Lectura of the Albarregas Metropolitan Park in the city of Mérida, this monument to Tulio Febres Cordero and Gabriel García Márquez is a sculptural group of two human-size bronze statues on a classic iron bench. The dialogue between…

Raúl Chuecos Picón
This monument is a tribute to the consecrated poet and writer Raúl Chuecos Picón from Mérida, Venezuela. The bust of is part of the heritage bequeathed by artist Manuel de la Fuente Muñoz which can be found throughout the city. Regulo Burelli Rivas considered…

Monumento de Tulio Gonzalo Salas
Monument to Tulio Gonzalo Salas (1977) by the sculptor Manuel de la Fuente Muñoz, located in the El Rincón de los Poetas park in the city of Mérida, Venezuela. Photographic record made in Mérida, Venezuela by Marinela Araque Rivero and Samuel Leonardo Hurtado…

José Vicente Nucete Monument
José Vicente Nucete (1977) by the sculptor Manuel de la Fuente Muñoz, located in the El Rincón de los Poetas park in the city of Mérida, Venezuela. Photographic record made in Mérida, Venezuela by Marinela Araque Rivero and Samuel Leonardo Hurtado Camargo,…

Simon Bolivar Monument (Táchira, Venezuela)
Simon Bolivar monument. Located in the Palace of The Lions, seat of the Legislative Council of the Táchira State in Venezuela. Photo registry by George Castellano.

Pequeña Cruz en Plaza La Cruz (Caracas)
Since the 1970's this wooden cross names the square where is located, Plaza La Cruz. The square is the place for social gatherings in El Calvario. Mr. Santos, a Colombian carpenter neighbor, crafted the cross. Before leaving Venezuela, Mr. Santos gave the…

Raul Chuecos Picón (Version 2)
This monument is a tribute to the consecrated poet and writer Raúl Chuecos Picón from Mérida, Venezuela. The bust of is part of the heritage bequeathed by artist Manuel de la Fuente Muñoz which can be found throughout the city. Regulo Burelli Rivas considered…